Dokumentiniai filmai, kuriuos turėtų pamatyti kiekvienas g/dizaineris
Exit through the gift shop (2010)

Helvetica (2009)

Max Bill - Das absolute Augenmass (2008)

Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010)

Milton Glaser: To Inform and Delight (2008)

Objectified (2009)

Art & Copy (2009)

Between the Folds (2008)

Alles Moet Nieuw - Piet Zwart (2012)

Beautiful Losers (2008)

Superstar: The Life and Times of Andy Warhol (1990)

Marian Bantjes, Graphic Artist
Doyald Young, Logotype Designer
Stefan G. Bucher, Designer, Illustrator, and Writer
Kit Hinrichs, Graphic Designer
Duarte Design, Presentation Design Studio
Margo Chase, Graphic Designer
tokidoki, Character Illustrator Presents: AIGA
Hillman Curtis "Artist Series" dokumentiniai
Dizaineriai apie save ir savo darbą (prezentacijos):
Chip Kidd
David Carson
Stefan Sagmeister
Paula Scher
Jacek Utko
John Maeda
Walker Art Center
Creative Mornings
Behance (99U)