Kate Moss irgi nori

Žymioji mažulė manekenė bando tapti drabužių brandu (ne naujiena, bet...). Identitetą kūrė garsusis britų dizaineris Peter Saville ("New Order", "Pet Shop Boys" CD viršeliai), tipografas Paule Barnes legendinio dizainerio Alexey Brodovich sukurto šrifto "Brodovitch Albro" pagrindu sukūrė "Kate Moss" logo šriftą. "I rediscovered it by looking at an old type catalogue, and it's always been in my mind to use it for something," he explains. "I tried it for this almost as a kind of joke, but the actual combinations of letters worked well, the words 'Kate Moss' looked really good. It embodies the spirit of Kate Moss, it's sophisticated yet modern. It has a quirkiness and modernity because it's almost geometric. It has a very modern feel, but also has heritage - it was designed by the principle art director of his time, if not all time."